Friday, December 2, 2011

His handiwork

Oh man, y'all.. I've got some news. Are you sitting down? Because for insurance purposes, I highly recommend it.

I've started another blog.

Yes you heard correctly, & don't bother thanking me for making all of your Christmas wishes come true. I figured that the one thing this world needed most was more uuber-frequent blog entries written by this infinitely wise, mind-blowingly successful, and ultra experienced chick. Did I mention that I'm dabbling in the high-fashion modeling industry and performing my first brain surgery tomorrow, too?

Jokes. You can stop laughing and pick yourself up off the floor now.

But for real.. before you click on the little red "x" in the top right-hand corner of this page, humor me and read on for a little while.

I started this little dandy a few months ago when I wanted to make the announcement that I was moving to the wonderfully southern state of Georgia early next year. My intentions were to give little updates every now and then to let my faithful few know what God was up to in this crazy life of mine. So far, the entry count is 3 in the same number of months. Go me!

But since then, I've done a little blog hopping, spent a few (wasted an ungodly number of) hours on the best website ever invented (Pinterest. duh), and had a number of heart-to-hearts with the Lord, all of which have led me here.

All of you fellow Pinterest enthusiasts know how terribly/wonderfully addicting it can be to peruse the boards of friends and strangers, eagerly re-pinning their great ideas, delicious recipes, and cute crafts, thinking to yourself, "One of these days I'll log on to Pinterest and cook every last recipe, make every single craft, and simplify my life with all these great ideas."

But life keeps coming, you continue to spend more time pinning than actually doing anything productive, and the glue gun, crock pot, and pile of yardsale junk you bought last weekend to "upcycle" stay in their cluttered cabinets.

If only there was a central location to find a bunch of good organizational ideas to take care of my cabinet problems..

I digress

Or if you're even more like me, you can't even imagine ever being creative enough to attempt any of these glorious ideas. You've been told (by other people, yourself, the devil, etc.) that you'll never be able to cook a decent meal or complete a successful DIY project. You're a failure at most of the things you undertake anyway, so even though your heart longs to try the ideas you've dutifully been pinning for months, there really is no point in wasting your time. Keep dreaming.

But with Christmas swiftly approaching as well as my first opportunity to live on my own (hence having to cook for myself and decorate all by my lonesome), I decided to branch out juuuuusst a little and start attempting to build the skills I believed were absent in me so long. Every endeavor was prefaced with much self-deprication, begun with absolutely no self-confidence, and completed with varying degrees of success. Most of the time my fears were confirmed- I failed. Big surprise.

Enter the aforementioned heart-to-hearts with my precious, patient, ever-loving Lord and Savior.

What I couldn't figure out is why, despite my pathetic track record, I still had a longing in my heart to do all of these things. I even kept amassing junk and art supplies, all the while thinking, you fool.. you're never going to use any of this. Once a failure, always a failure. But one night as I was looking through my craft box, mentally picturing what could possibly become of these odds and ends and immediately shooting down every attempt at creativity, I realized something very basic, yet at that moment meant a change of pace for me. Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do," while Genesis 1:27 says, "So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." If I'm handiwork made in the image of the Creator and Master craftsman of this world and everything in it. that means that my very nature is to be creative. And if I'm created in the image of His perfect and good Son Jesus, then I've been enabled to make stuff that is good.. even GREAT! Furthermore, by insulting my ability to create anything of value I'm really insulting the Holy Spirit inside me that lives in me.

Whoa.. mind = blown

So I began creating with that mindset. And dang, did things change. Not everything, not all at once, but change was a'comin. And since it wasn't from me, I want to share it with you. Because nothing of mine is worth blogging about, for "I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature" (Romans 7:18), but when He's in the drivers seat, it might be worth a second glance.

Insert blog #2. Since I started "She Can Laugh at the Days to Come" to be more of a way to update the fam and special friends on what Jesus is up to in my life lately, I decided to make a separate place to try my hand at tutorials, recipes, crafts, and the like. I'll explain how I came up with the name (if you even care) later, because quite frankly, 3am is wayyyy past my bedtime. Most of what's on here won't be original and I will definitely be linking honor to where it's due for sure, and every now and then there may be a Kelly n' Jesus original thrown in there. A girl can dream, right? :)

So there you have it. I promise most of the entries on here are meant to be short, easy-to-read, and to the point. And I'm 100% honest when I say that suggestions, comments, and even criticism are not just welcomed- They're encouraged. I definitely don't have all the answers and for sure don't always know the most effective way to do things, so enlighten me, would ya? I'd appreciate it!

And true to form, I've got to leave y'all with what's singing to my heart tonight, "Lift Me Up" by The Afters. Listen close to the lyrics.. I promise you'll hear Jesus speaking to you, too. Enjoy :)

Until next time,

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